Hello, hello! I'm back on this lovely Wednesday to give you a week 3 update on the DietBet game I'm participating in. Just in case you missed my other weekly recaps and want to check them out: DietBet Week 2 Recap | Persevering When the Scale Won’t Budge DietBet Week 1 Recap + Letting Go of the All-or-Nothing Healthy Living Mentality Exercise Activity-wise, I killed it in week 3. Lots of kickboxing, HIIT, walking my pup, a few hikes, and some yoga practice thrown in there. Saturday was my rest day to relax and give my body a chance to recover, and I did some foam rolling and icing throughout the week - though I'm making a mental note to try to ice every single day. Diet Food-wise, week 3 started off kind of shaky. I was eating healthy, I just wasn't nixing the ... [Read More]
weight loss
DietBet Week 2 Recap | Persevering When the Scale Won’t Budge
Hi friends! Last week I shared details of the DietBet game that I'm currently participating in and did a week 1 recap, so today I'm chatting about week 2. You can check out my first post here, but the idea is that I bet a few bucks that I could lose 4% of my body weight in a month in a game with 2,101 other people. Week 2 Recap Workout-wise, in contrast to my recent weeks of trying out lots of fitness studios in my area, last week was full of mostly at-home exercise, including FitnessGlo HIIT workouts and some Jillian Michaels strength & cardio DVDs. I also went on a nice long hike with pup and had my first swimming session of the year last weekend. Diet-wise, I did pretty well. As I mentioned in my week 1 recap, all I'm really changing is my portion sizes (a ... [Read More]
DietBet Week 1 Recap + Letting Go of the All-or-Nothing Healthy Living Mentality
Hi friends! My post title makes this pretty obvious, but I'm currently participating in a DietBet game. I figure that springtime is the perfect time to shed a couple of pounds and tone up. Each week for the next month I'll be doing a recap of my weekly progress, as well as discussing an important healthy living theme. So what is DietBet? DietBet is a game that emphasizes online community in helping people to lose weight. I'm participating in Jen Widerstrom's Summer Shake Down - whose The Biggest Loser trainer - which currently has 2,128 players and a pot of $63,840! For this game, all participants bet $30 on themselves that they can lose 4% of their body weight in a month. Everyone that achieves that goal wins the game and gets to split the pot evenly (after an admin ... [Read More]
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Hi friends! Anyone else psyched for Thanksgiving? It's 4 PM on Tuesday and I'm already done with my work week! Tomorrow my hubby and I are heading down to San Diego for the rest of the week, and I'm really looking forward to it. It's crazy to think that I haven't been back to San Diego since moving from there to the Bay Area earlier this year -- which was already 7 months ago. I adore SoCal and my friends there, and we have a lot of fun things planned! First up, my weekly autumn slim down recap: With the exception of indulging a little bit more than I had planned on last weekend, the past week my eating has been super healthy and my workouts have been great. I've really been enjoying writing down my workouts on a daily basis. It allows me to look back at the whole week and recognize ... [Read More]
Autumn Slim Down Update & What I Ate Wednesday
Happy Wednesday! Firstly, here's my weekly update on my autumn slim down challenge: I think that taking a break from the scale last week was a great idea for me, and I continued to push forward with eating smaller portions of healthy, delicious food with some indulgences sprinkled in, and working out daily. I don't think I could lose the scale completely, but I think I might ditch the scale for a week or more at a time more often. Since I first talked about wanting to lose 5-10 pounds a little over a month ago, I've lost 5 pounds. I feel great, and want to continue my weight loss efforts for the next couple of weeks to see if I can tone up a bit more and lose another couple of pounds. (source) For anyone out there reading this whose trying to lose weight, I know that it feels like ... [Read More]
Ditching the Scale This Week
"Trust your first instincts, they're always right," the spunky yoga instructor at Yoga Inside Out said to me during a sweaty power yoga class I took with Gina last week. The instructor was talking specifically about my lack of decisiveness in finding where to place my hands during a pose, but I took her little reminder with me when I left class and applied it to life in general. Last week I was having a hard time on the weight loss front. I was working my butt off in my fitness regime and practicing portion control with my eats, but I kept stepping on the scale and seeing not a teeny bit of change. By the end of the week, I realized what I instinctively wanted to do: ditch the scale for a bit. It was only throwing my game off mentally, and the scale certainly does not tell the ... [Read More]