Happy Friday! I'm very much looking forward to the weekend, because later today my hubby and I are heading out on a little weekend getaway. It's a place just a few hours away from home that we've never been to before.... Palm Springs! Just a couple of days full of what will hopefully be fun: relaxation, hiking, good food and exploring a new area. But first, onto today's recipe! This recipe will provide you with a good dose of produce. It's vegan, gluten free, nutritious, and simple to throw together. Call me a nut, but it seems kind of fancy to me because it involves scooping the salad mixture back into the avocado skins. And speaking of nuts, recently Blue Diamond sent me a few boxes of their Almond Nut Thins to play around with. They're gluten free nut & rice ... [Read More]
healthy recipes
Cinnamon Apple & Peanut Butter Oatmeal
I'll let you in on a little secret: There are some foods that most healthy living bloggers swoon over I could totally do without. Take brussel sprouts and cauliflower for instance (ick). You'll find tons and tons of recipes for clever ways to eat brussel sprouts and use cauliflower to craft pizza crusts and make them taste like fries and whatever else you could imagine on foodie blogs, but not on here my friends. Why? Because I am not a fan of those veggies (sue me). Another good example is oatmeal. I get in the mood for a bowl of hot oats here and there, but for the most part, I feel very meh about it. Take pancakes away from me and I'd be a very sad girl, but take oatmeal away from me and I wouldn't even know it was gone. And so, the alternate title of this post was The ... [Read More]
5-Ingredient Creamy Honey Fruit Dip
Happy weekend everyone! I'm looking forward to a few days being home with my hubby. Last week he was away training for the Marine Corps Reserves, and then I left for Vegas for my work trip before he got back last weekend, so this weekend we're excited to get some time together. On our agenda is finishing up our bathroom revamp, repainting part of the exterior of our house, and also having some fun outdoors and relaxing. Any fun plans for your weekend? Speaking of weekends, last Friday night I got together with my friend Tiffany for a wine night. We see each other pretty often, but usually we make workout dates, so it was nice to chill, talk, drink wine, and munch on snacks together (and not be sweating while I was with her for once!). For our wine night I whipped up a few healthy ... [Read More]
Blueberry Almond Granola
Recipe creation is a funny thing sometimes. At times, I come up with an idea for a recipe moments before and I just throw ingredients together. Other times, I have a recipe in my head for weeks and weeks that I just have a feeling will be a winner that I will want to share on here, but it takes me awhile to actually make and photograph it. The latter was the case with this granola. When I randomly threw a bag of dried blueberries into my shopping cart one day, the idea of making granola with them immediately popped into my head... but then I wound up eating all the blueberries before I could get to making any granola. Oops. So then I had to wait until the next time I found myself in a food store with dried blues to make this recipe. But, the next time I went to make this ... [Read More]
Avocado, Spinach & Walnut Pesto Pasta
Good old St. Paddy's Day is tomorrow, and while I didn't make any Irish soda bread last weekend or have a blast celebrating at any parades, I wanted to share a green recipe in honor of the holiday. My heritage is part Irish, and I have lots of St. Paddy's Day memories: my family getting together at my grandma's house (who was Italian, but loved any excuse to celebrate!) for corned beef & cabbage (hold the corned beef for me), potatoes and Irish soda bread; and day drinking at many Irish parades in Jersey as a college kid. I kind of would like to be wearing green shamrock stickers on my face and day drinking with my girlfriends right about now actually, but any who... here's a fun little holiday tidbit: The color green being associated with Ireland dates back to at least ... [Read More]
2-Minute Berry Banana Sorbet
Happy, happy Friday! Any fabulous plans for this weekend? I'm looking forward to my long weekend full of football watching, a hiking date with my hubby, doing some recipe experimentation, a workout with a girlfriend of mine, and a mix of both doing some productive things and relaxing. Today's topic is a never-ending love of mine - fruit. I have a serious obsession with fruit, from apples and banana to cherries and strawberries. In fact, while I enjoy veggies, I have to kind of plan them into my meals mindfully. Otherwise, on the produce front, my diet would consist of all the fruit and none of the veggies. Since I have a huge sweet tooth, I'm always finding ways to make meals that could be dessert, but are also healthy and nutritious enough to be considered a wholesome meal. I'm sneaky ... [Read More]