My relationship with sleep has always had its ups and downs. I'll go through periods where I feel like I'm sleeping pretty good, and weeks where I'm not sleeping well at all. In high school after spending a night in a sleep lab hooked up to all kinds of wires and monitors, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Throughout my teenage years up until my mid 20s, it was normal for me to wake myself (and my husband) up gasping for air, and to have my sleep disturbed many times a night. Luckily I haven't woken up gasping for air in awhile, and I think I may have outgrown the condition if possible. I've never been one to fall asleep on planes (red eyes are guaranteed to be a little torturous) and I'm jealous of people that can seemingly pass out in a moment's time. My dad is one of those ... [Read More]
The 10-Move Medicine Ball Workout + Giveaway! {closed}
I think that sometimes people make exercising more complicated than it needs to be. While I certainly enjoy getting to work out with fancy equipment like the Megaformer at Lagree fitness studios, sometimes I like to keep it simple. After all, we don't need tons of equipment to get a good sweat session in! Some of my workouts involve just bodyweight or only one piece of equipment. I'll do an entire strength training workout with just a pair of 15-pound dumbbells, or an entire cardio session with no cardio machines in sight. There's something nice about the simplicity of getting creative with just one kettlebell for an hour-long work out, ya know? Recently the folks at Rep Fitness sent me some of their equipment to try, and I've been having fun playing around with my new gear doing ... [Read More]
8 Interesting Stats from New Documentary What The Health
Being a healthy living blogger, health coach, health writer, and overall health nut, it shouldn't come as a shock to you that I enjoy watching documentaries that focus on health. The most recent documentary that was recommended to me by multiple people is a Netflix film called What The Health. Last weekend as my hubby and I watched the documentary, I experienced my usual feelings that creep up on me when I watch films that focus on the current state of American health: sadness, for all of the people out there slowly killing themselves through unhealthy lifestyle choices; anger, that there are such obviously conflicting money trails between big food biz and organizations that are supposed to be working to protect our health; and disgust, for all of the resources and lives that we ... [Read More]
Unwinding This Holiday Season with Zeel Massage on Demand
Has December been a whirlwind for everyone else too? I feel like this month has been flying by, and in just a few days, I'll be flying to the east coast for holiday vacation with my family! Luckily last week, I had a chance to stop and unwind a bit with one of my favorite means of de-stressing: a massage. It's no secret that I love a good massage.... and I've gotten a number of massages this year since part of my calf & foot injury rehab/maintenance plan has been getting massages every 4-6 weeks. Being such an active person, getting a massage makes a big difference in smoothing out those knots in my injury spots. While the deep tissue rubdowns on my calf and other tight spots are usually more painful than relaxing, it's a good kind of pain knowing that I'll feel better in the ... [Read More]
How I Get My Healthy Living Act Together
Hi there! Hope that you had a great weekend! After recovering from travel and fighting a cold last week, I'm feeling better rested and more settled. I feel like my blog posting has been a bit more sporadic than usual the last couple of weeks, but this week I should be back to normal scheduling! As I resume to a better sense of normalcy this week, a top priority of mine is getting back to cleaner living. While I always maintain a healthy lifestyle, lately my healthy living balance has been tipping more into the 'indulgences' side of things a little more than I typically strive for. This happens every now and then and it's certainly not the end of the world. After all, healthy living is a journey, not a destination right? With that being said, today I'm sharing the ways that I get ... [Read More]
Friday Reflections
I've been reflecting a lot about life lately. I think it's partly having been in my home state of New Jersey for a few weeks, partly me entering my last year of my 20's earlier this month, and partly me just being an analytical person. But I've been thinking a lot about life. Every time I visit home, I find myself looking at the places I see and the people I'm with with fresh eyes. I think that many people who have lived far away from their families and hometowns can relate to this feeling. I also think that it's nearly impossible to look at it with such new perspective unless you've been away. Everything sometimes seems exactly the same, while other times it seems like everything has changed. I even drove through my alma mater while I was there and got to reflect on my college ... [Read More]