Over the last couple of years, I’ve really expanded the amount of at-home gym equipment and tools that I have. From an assortment of dumbbells and kettlebells to bands and weighted balls, I have a nice little collection to work with – not to mention my bike trainer, which has been getting a lot of use since I got it a few years ago.
Usually I’ll work out at a studio once or twice a week, take my exercise outdoors for something like a hike, yoga on the beach, tennis, or biking once or twice a week, and then a couple days a week, I exercise at home. I like mixing it up, and it’s nice to have the option to quickly hop into a workout at home whenever I have time in my day.
Awhile back, I bought yoga blocks to work on one specific yoga move (jump through/jump back movements for any yogis that are curious), but I soon realized that I could use yoga blocks for a lot more exercises than just that one. If you’re wondering what else to do you with your yoga blocks, today I’m sharing 10 exercises to use yoga blocks with.
I’m a fan of incorporating these move into my yoga practice, or to do as a warm-up to a strength or cardio workout – particularly if I’m having one of those days when my body feels like lead (you guys know what I’m talking about!). I also will do these exercises if my body is super sore from a previous work out as a way to do something light to stretch out and get that range of motion working to help alleviate a bit of the soreness. These moves are a combo of core work, squats, and lunges, with some upper body moves thrown into the mix.
1.) Boat pose to extended legs. In a seated position on the ground, lift your legs up in a 90 degree angle parallel to the ground, holding a block with your hands in front of you. Extend your legs straight and lean your upper body back, maintaining control and the block in front of you. Try 25 reps.
2.) Prison squat squeezes. This move takes a regular squat up a notch: Place the block in between your thighs and hands behind your head, and as you squat down, squeeze your booty and grab onto the block with your thighs. Challenge yourself to 50 reps!
3.) Overhead static jumping lunge. This move gets the heart rate pumping and is a nice leg burner! Get into a lunge on either side, holding a yoga block overhead with your arms straightened. Bend into the lunge, launch off the ground into a jump, and land in your starting position while keeping your arms overhead. Try 25 reps, then switch sides.
4.) Yoga block ab pass. I used to do this move with a medicine ball all the time at the gym as a teenager, and now I’m bringing it back yogi-style. Start by laying flat on the ground, holding the block in your hands with arms overhead. Crunch your legs and upper body up to meet in the center, passing the block to in between your feet, then returning to the laid out position, only with the block between your feet this time. Repeat the move, bringing the block back to your hands. Try 20 complete reps.
5.) Lunge taps. This move’s another nice cardio move to get the heart rate up a bit: Begin in a lunge position with your upper torso hinged forward and the block out in front of you between your hands, with straight arms. Bring the back knee in with a bent leg, crunching your upper body in to meet your knee. Pick up the pace and complete 25 reps, then repeat the move on the other side.
6.) Static lunge with block pass through. Start in a straight legged lunge position, left leg forward, with the block in front of you, arms bent. Bend your legs, while simultaneously taking the block in just the right hand, passing it underneath the back of the left leg, and transferring it to the left hand. Repeat this for 25 reps, then switch sides.
7.) Yoga block uneven push-ups. Place the block on the ground with one of the longer sides facing up. Get in a push-up position, placing the right hand on the block, and the left hand a bit back facing about 45 degrees outward. Perform a push-up, then move your right hand to the outside facing a bit outwards, and place your left hand on the yoga block in the center. Try 20 uneven block push-ups.
8.) Seated Russian twists. Sit in boat pose with your legs bent 90 degrees, parallel to the ground. Hold both yoga blocks in front of you, and while maintaining your leg position, twist your upper body over to the left, then switch it over to the right. Try 30 Russian twists.
9.) Yoga block tricep dips. Place the blocks on the ground, with the longer sides parallel to the ground. Positioned in front of the blocks facing away from them, place your hands on each block. Start with your arms straight, then bend them as your body lowers down towards the ground. Push back up to complete the move. Legs can be bent or straightened in front of you for this exercise. Try 25 tricep dips.
10.) Side block with a twist. Get in a side plank position on your right elbow, legs straightened and together. Place the block in your left hand. Lift up towards the sky, left arm straightened, then rotate your torso towards the ground, bringing the block underneath your body for a twist. Try 20 reps on each side.
I don’t know about you, but putting together this post has made me want to break out my yoga blocks and get a work out in ASAP!
In this post I’m sporting some adorable Koral leggings sent to me to try out, and I love how they’re kind of funky and different than your average activewear pants! You can’t tell as much in photos, but the leggings are shiny and have this sort of sassy look to them. Koral is currently having a Mother’s Day sale, so feel free to check out their women’s activewear collection and let me know what items you love.
Tell me… Do you have any at-home exercise equipment/tools that you use often?
These look like such great moves, and I love your outfit!
Thank you, Jennifer!
I tried this workout over the weekend and really liked it. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for commenting & letting me know that you liked the workout!