Back in high school, I was a competitive cheerleading coach (and a competitive cheerleader myself). I remember telling my cheerleaders how important it was for them to practice stretching exercises often to improve their flexibility, and how I stretched every single day.
Here am I, over a dozen years later, and while I’m no longer throwing girls in the air for stunts and memorizing choreography routines, stretching is still a practice that I implement into my active life on a daily basis.
Some ways that stretching improves your health include:
- While you know that stretching obviously improves flexibility, it also improves the range of motion in your joints and blood flow to the muscles. This is why stretching can decrease risk of injury – and we all know that injuries are no fun! It also helps to reduce soreness from workouts.
- There’s a definite correlation between your body feeling tight and tense, and your mind and mood following suit. Stretching helps to alleviate the physical tension and puts not only your body at more ease, but provides some anti-stress benefits to your mind too.
- Stretching lengthens tight muscles and is beneficial for better posture – including improved spine alignment, resulting in less tension and pain.
- I also find stretching to be an energy booster. It revitalizes the body when you’re feeling tired and lethargic.
Have I convinced you yet that you should commit to incorporating more stretching into your life? 🙂 Hopefully the answer is yes, and here are some ways that you can fit more stretching into your daily routine (things that I often do myself!):
1.) While you’re watching TV. Whether you’re a reality TV watcher while your baby naps or a Sunday night football watcher drinking a few beers, most of us watch TV at home. Why not spend 10 minutes less on the couch to instead do some stretches while tuning in?
2.) Before & after workouts. If you’re a person that skimps on pre- and post- workout stretching, knock it off (I’m talking to you, most of the runners that I know!)! This is an important time to loosen up the body and either get it ready for movement, or cool it down from a sweat session. Even just 2 minutes of stretching at the beginning and end can help! I personally like to do a few minutes of dynamic stretching as a warm-up (think grabbing my ankle for a quad stretch, holding it for 3 seconds, then alternating for 5 rounds), then some static stretching at the end.
3.) Spend 5 minutes stretching first thing in the morning. Ever wake up feeling kind of kinked in certain places? A quick stretching session will help to alleviate that! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve woken up feeling kind of tight, then felt 100% better after just a few minutes of stretching. Check out 5 stretches that I like to do in the morning here.
4.) While you’re at your desk. With so many of us sitting at computers for work for so many hours (myself included), it’s a no-brainer that we develop tight, tense shoulders and necks. Take a few moments throughout the day to stretch it out, such as rolling your neck in circles or doing an overhead stretch. It’ll also help to wake you up a bit if you’re feeling tired.
5.) Incorporate yoga into your workouts. I often start an early morning spin or strength training workout with some yoga to ease into the sweat session, or I incorporate it into my workout itself by using weights. Flowing through Warrior poses is tougher will weights in hand, building strength while also getting a good stretch in!
6.) While you’re cooking. You know when you’re standing in your kitchen, waiting for water to boil for something you’re making for dinner, scrolling through your Instagram feed? Put the phone down and get a good stretch in instead! I often do calf stretches or clasp my arms behind my back to stretch out my neck and shoulders when I have a spare minute while cooking.
Tell me… Do you stretch enough? How do you fit stretching into your daily routine?
As a health coach, I work with clients to improve their health and reduce stress, so that they can live the most vibrant, happy life possible. Interested in learning more about my health coaching program? Email me at nicole[at] to set up a free consultation!
I wish I was as flexible as you! I was always the tall girl growing up and I was afraid that stretching would make me taller so I never did it. Isn’t that ridiculous?? I need to do better with it before I’m 70 something and can’t move!
Your comment made me laugh, Sarah! Go do some stretching, I promise you’ll remain the same height 😉
Wow, I had no idea you were a competitive cheerleader…fun! But yes, yes and more yes to the stretching. I try to make sure to stretch before and after my curling games because when I forget to stretch…well, it gets ugly. I love the tips here for stretching throughout the day! Gosh knows I’m at my desk or in the kitchen enough, so I totally need to incorporate stretching into those times. Thanks for the reminders!!
Good for you that you make sure to get your stretching in before & after games! Also, I didn’t know that you curl – is that even the right way to phrase it?!! Doesn’t sound right. Ha.
With the NYC marathon coming up I am stretching like a crazy person for about 30 min every night while I watch TV.
Good for you, Abby! Gotta keep those muscles nice & loose for the marathon… Best of luck this weekend!
I stretch… almost never. You just motivated me to get off the couch and do a few stretches before I get ready for the day. I know that I know that I know I’d feel better and recover faster if I just did this.
Girlllll and you keep getting injured!! JUST DO IT (insert Nike swoosh!).