One of my favorite ways to start my day is with a quick yoga session or HIIT workout. Getting moving first thing in my morning – usually before checking email or eating breakfast if I can – makes me feel energized and gets those endorphins flowing.

After a recent Sunday morning yoga session
Some days if I don’t have time for 20-30 minutes of morning exercise, I do some go-to stretches to wake me up. Today I thought I’d share them with you, because they’re perfect for just a couple quick minutes of movement to stretch you out after you’ve spent the night in bed laying down. When I do morning yoga, I usually incorporate these stretches into my practice too.
Morning stretching is thought to help improve posture for the day, eliminate muscle and joint aches & pains, and promote healthy blood flow. Plus, I think it just feels great!
Today’s photos show a peak of my kitchen, as it was too cold and wet outside for my usual backyard setting photos. I actually snapped these photos during a morning stretch session last week – with the early sunshine breaking in, my messy ponytail and all… Just keeping it real for you guys! 🙂
1.) Seated Overhead Sidebend Stretch. Sit cross-legged on the ground. Place your left elbow and lower arm onto the ground beside you, and move your right arm overhead, stretching it over to the left side. Alternate sides, and flow through a couple of reps of stretching on each side.
2.) Cat to Cow. Get on the ground on all fours. Look straight ahead and straighten your back to hold Cow for a few breaths, then curl your back upwards while tucking your head gently downwards to move into Cow pose. Slowly alternate back and forth between the two stretches, allowing it to loosen up your back a little more with every rep.
3.) Standing Forward Fold to Flat Back Stretch. Start by standing firmly on the ground. Fold your upper body over towards the ground, letting your fingertips touch the ground, if possible, to stretch out your hamstrings. Hold for at least a couple of breaths, then move to the flat back stretch by bringing your hands to your shins, flattening out your back, and bringing your gaze ahead of you.
4.) Downward Dog to Plank Transition. From a Forward Fold position, inch your legs backwards to move into Downward Dog. Peddle your feet back and forth to stretch out those (likely tightened) calves, and sink into the stretch. When ready, shift your bodyweight forward to move into high plank. Transition back and forth between Downward Dog and Plank at least five times.
5.) Twisted Forward Bend Stretch. From a Forward Folded position, slightly bend your left leg and rest your foot on the ground on your tippy toes. At the same time, bring your left arm to the sky, twisting upwards with each breath. Hold for at least 10 seconds, then switch sides.
To end this post on a comical note, here’s a peak at an image fail with my forever photobomber, my nosey puppy:
So typical!
Tell me… Do you usually stretch in the morning? What’s your favorite stretch?
A stretch that always feels awesome to me that I usually do nightly post-workout is Pigeon pose.
I really need to do these, as I can’t quite touch my toes, as I am really not flexible.
Gorgeous photos! I love the twisted forward bend stretch. I always forget about it but when I remember I’m like “ahhhhhh, so good!” I usually stretch after my workout, which is usually in the morning!
Going to start doing these! I am the worst when it comes to stretching and I don’t realize how stiff I am until I do go ahead and stretch. Flexibility is SO important, so I really need to find a way to be consistent! Aiming to do just these 5 stretches will be a great start for me 🙂
I stretch if I can get my PiYo workout done every morning. If I don’t…then I don’t stretch. I love all of these though and they do feel so good! Thanks for sharing 🙂 PS – I love the light in your kitchen!
I will say nota morning stretcher but thinking these are doable! Also love the house pics:)
I need to get stretching – ASAP! Perhaps it will help my feeling like utter SHEEEEE-IGHT right now!
These look great! I think they would be perfect to help me wake up if Im not doing a formal workout. I also think they would be really good to do when I get home in the evening and my muscles are tight from sitting at a desk all day!
Haha! I love the last pic. Harley always makes me smile. 🙂
This is such a great reminder to stretch and get in a little movement, even if you don’t have the time for a full blow workout. I’ve done most of these poses (except for the last one which I will definitely try soon!) and they all feel so good. Thanks for the inspiration, girly! 🙂