Hi friends! Today I'm traveling cross-country to be with my family in New Jersey for the holidays. I'm looking forward to lots of time with loved ones and fun! Speaking of being on-the-go, today I wanted to share my top picks for on-the-go snacks as of late. Since I'm big on eating small meals frequently, it seems like I'm always eating in the car. An ongoing joke that I have with my hubby is that I'm constantly trying to get food stains off the seat of my car. Nearly every week there's a new protein bar stain or smudge of some sort. I guess I'm a messy car eater! The basic requirements for snacks to be in the running to become a favorite of mine are simple. They've got to be 1.) healthy - must pack a nutritious punch, and 2.) tasty - I won't eat it if it doesn't please my ... [Read More]