Hello, hello! I'm back on this lovely Wednesday to give you a week 3 update on the DietBet game I'm participating in. Just in case you missed my other weekly recaps and want to check them out: DietBet Week 2 Recap | Persevering When the Scale Won’t Budge DietBet Week 1 Recap + Letting Go of the All-or-Nothing Healthy Living Mentality Exercise Activity-wise, I killed it in week 3. Lots of kickboxing, HIIT, walking my pup, a few hikes, and some yoga practice thrown in there. Saturday was my rest day to relax and give my body a chance to recover, and I did some foam rolling and icing throughout the week - though I'm making a mental note to try to ice every single day. Diet Food-wise, week 3 started off kind of shaky. I was eating healthy, I just wasn't nixing the ... [Read More]