It’s pretty easy to tell that I loving living an active lifestyle. On a daily basis I take my dog on a long walk or hike, and do strength training, yoga, kickboxing, barre, cycling, rowing, or any and every crazy workout that comes my way.
But running?
I can’t say that I’m a fan. However, last weekend I had to make an exception and go for a run, but not just a regular old run: San Diego’s Fit Foodie 5K race to be exact.
When I heard about the event, I knew that it was right up my alley. Put on by Cooking Light and Health, the Fit Foodie 5K race weekend is jam-packed with happenings that seem quite obviously fitting for a girl with a blog called Foodie Loves Fitness, including celebrity dinner and brunch events, a cocktail night, sunrise yoga session and bootcamp class, and a 5K with treats afterwards.
I asked a new friend to join me for the 5K. When Trish and I met last summer, we clicked instantly because we have like a gazillion commonalities – including both being raised in the Northeast, working in PR, and having a love for our dogs and fitness – and I knew it’d be fun to participate in the race together.
We arrived in downtown San Diego bright and early for the race on a nearly perfect day outside. I hadn’t decided beforehand whether I’d actually run the race or walk it. I realize that this might sound ridiculous to all of you amazing marathoners, and yes, I’m well aware that a 5K is only 3.1 miles, but running and I don’t have a good track record (haha, get it?).
The short: I’ve always hated running. I think it’s boring and so harsh on the body. But a couple of years back I decided to torture myself and started regularly running. I thought that maybe I’d fall in love with running, see what all of the hype was about. Instead, I torn my calf muscle – an injury I have yet to fully recover from – and last year, I developed a recurring foot swelling situation that acts up when it’s overused.
So basically, my body hates running – both physically and mentally. I’ve mostly accepted that I’ll never be a girl who called half marathons a fun Saturday afternoon. But once in awhile, I get a bit of a run itch just because of all of the fun race events out there… like this Fit Foodie 5K.
So there I am on Saturday morning, standing there in a sea full of excited foodies, ready to get a morning run in. I was feeling the energy, and Trish calling a 5K a “warm up” convinced me further to just run the damn thing – my first time running more than a sprint in years.
At first, I was feeling fine. We were chitchatting, and it was a picture perfect day out along the harbor. We passed the 1 mile marker around 8:30 into it and I thought, Sweet, I can do this!
But then a half a mile later, my calf felt like one giant knot. Not to mention the fact that my heart rate was just about maxing out at 190. I actually started getting annoyed, and my thought process was somewhere along the lines of, What the hell? I exercise every damn day and I can’t even run at a moderate pace without feeling like my heart is about to explode… I’m really glad I went to THREE different physical therapists for my calf to still nag me after years… Screw sesamoiditis (my foot condition)!!
But I kept pushing through for 3.1 longgg miles. I crossed the finish line at 30 minutes and change, which was good enough for me.
Running is a different beast, and I have a lot of respect for runners that dedicate so much time and effort into training. But I’ll just flat out admit it, running is not my thing, and I don’t think it ever will be. My hubby joked with me that this is embarrassing to admit (ha!) but in the spirit of keeping it real, let’s just say that my calves were SO sore when I woke up on Sunday – not even just my bad one. It was part of what prompted me to get a sports massage yesterday, which hurt oh so good.
I was rewarded after the finish line with goodies to eat and freebies to take home. They even had a beer garden. A ton of great companies exhibited at the race, including big names like Quest Nutrition and Larabars, and local bakeries and places like Suja Juice. We had fun walking around and sampling everything.
After the 5K festivities, I stopped at the mall to use some gift cards. I wound up being hungry on the car ride home, so I popped open a bag of protein chips that I had nabbed at the Quest booth. Has anyone tried these? I was fully prepared to not like them, and was surprised that they weren’t bad at all.
Later on I spent my evening hanging with my hubby at home – making homemade mac & cheese, along with Fireball spiked apple cider cocktails, and watching football and Boardwalk Empire episodes.
All in all, it was a wonderful Saturday. I was reminded why I don’t run but was still glad that I challenged myself, because if there was ever a race for me to run, the Fit Foodie 5K was it.
Tell me… How do you feel about running?
Running definitely isn’t for everything. I REALLY want to love it, but it just isn’t my favourite. Luckily there are lots of other great ways to workout.
There certainly are!
Woah, the freebies alone seem like this 5K was worth the torture for you!! ; ) Haha. Sweet swag bag! I’ve had strange relationship with running..hated it in high school, accepted it in college, trained for a half marathon post-grad! I’m happy I did it, but probably wouldn’t again. Now I just run when and if I want to! =) Have a great week!
It does sound like your relationship with running depends on where you are in life… mine has just been constant dislike! Ha.
I have the exact same running story. I want to like it so much, and reading about people running an easy 10 miles on a Saturday inspires me to occasionally go out and attempt it yet again, but each and every time I realize that I absolutely can’t stand it. I’m sure I could use some help with my form, but it’s also just not enjoyable for me mentally. I did run a 5K last December and I surprised myself with how much I actually trained for it, and the feeling of finishing it was incredible, but that’s about the most I’ll probably ever be able to run. I want to do another 5K just because the feeling of accomplishment was so fantastic, but I won’t be pushing myself into any half marathons anytime soon, if ever 😉
I definitely agree that finishing runs feels great! Maybe I should have trained for a few weeks leading up to the 5K — I might not have hated that 30 minutes so much if I had 😉
It’s no wonder you have trouble then. I used to hate running. In fact, even after I joined cross country, I refused to run more than a mile, but over time I improved. Also, if you are running, make sure to stretch, especially your hamstrings and calves. Not stretching can lead to injury. Just some tips in case you want to try it again.
I absolutely hate it while I am doing it, but afterwards it’s amazing! I haven’t ran in probably a good 3 months and i have no ambition to start again!
There is definitely a great sense of accomplishment afterwards! But I feel like I can also get that from a really awesome boxing, rowing, or spinning workout.. so I think I’ll stick with those and other workouts moving forward 🙂
I am happy to hear that you made it through your 5k, even with the nagging calf :/ I totally understand that you have no love for running. I forced myself to run like 7 years ago and I did it so much that I hated it. Then in July I picked it up again and I kind of love it. It challenges me in all kids of ways and it makes me feel like I can do the impossible. Do I love it while its happening? Not so much. But that after….that delicious runners high? I could do THAT everyday. 🙂
Oooh yeah, I read your blog post on signing up for a marathon so I know that you’re a serious runner!!
Way to finish that race – I hope that your calf s better by today!!!
I love running but there are lots of things I don’t enjoy – swimming is high on that list!!
One thing I feel sure I would like – those Fireball spiked apple cider cocktails!!!
SO good!! You should try that drink combo – perfect for the holidays I think! I think that we may throw it in the crock pot for a hot alcoholic beverage on Thanksgiving.
I FRIGGIN’ HATE RUNNING! HATE IT I TELL YOU! HATE IT! UGH. Ellipticalizing is my life! ha ha ha! If anyone ever says “lets go running” I always tell them to go jump in a lake and I will meet them after! 😉
So it sounds like you’re not a big fan of running either?!?! HA.
Well… I love running. But that’s a whole different story. I hate a lot of other types of fitness haha. It’s not for everyone and that’s okay!
Totally, I have a lot of respect for serious runners! Differences in what we enjoy is part of what makes the world interesting ya know? 🙂
So glad you invited me out, and you finished like a champ! Maybe next year we can just do the yoga 😉 Sorry your calves are still bugging you but hopefully you recover soon!
Thanks girlfriend! I’m totally down for participating in the festivities in some way again next year. I actually met a blogger today who was an ambassador for the Fit Foodie 5K, and it sounded like a pretty cool program!
I’m just loving those pictures of the SUN and warmth of San Diego! It’s been cold and rainy here and it’s starting to wear on me. But I digress…running is one of the things I love most in life but I totally get it that others don’t. In fact, people have very strong reactions to it – love or hate! I’m glad you got to enjoy all the food, and then more food and delicious beverages afterward – that’s the real fun part anyway!
OH no, it’s starting to wear on you already?! You might need to come vacay out in Cali or somewhere else warm!
You’re so right – people tend to either love or hate running. Different strokes for different folks!
Sometimes it is not the run I love as much as how I feel once I finish. But typically I love the run, too. And, wow, looks like some awesome post race swag. Sweet! Love races like that! -Susie
Thanks for reading, Susie!
Running is no easy feat, and it’s impressive you were able to bust out a 5K with no training.! 3 miles is tough if you’re not used to running!! I ran 3 miles last week after taking some time off after my half marathon and it was a struggle!! So you did awesome!
You are too sweet for saying that!! Thank you Brittany.
I saw your dinner on IG yesterday and was instantly jealous! haha. I love the look of San Diego – it really makes me want to live there at one point in my life. I don’t know how anyone can live there and not love running! Haha I’d probably run all the time (I say that but I’m sure my laziness would take over 😉 )
You got so many goodies at the end of the race though! Yum
I walk outside a lot and enjoy the scenery/weather for sure!
I have a love/hate relationship with running…but enough about that. Can we talk about these Fireball Apple Cider cocktails you have posted? That may be a good addition to Thanksgiving Dinner. 🙂
I think you did an awesome job for not enjoying running or training!
I have mixed feelings about running but I agree that it is a completely different animal from other types of exercise. It is so freaking hard! I think the main reason is because it can be a little boring so depending on the day, I either love or hate it. But I agree that long distances are hard on the body. If I run for an hour I feel pains all over whereas other workouts don’t do that to me.
Totally, I feel like my body is just not made for running! That’s cool though, because I do tons of other stuff and love it. It’s all about figuring out what works best for us, right? 🙂
Yup, that’s pretty much how I feel about running. I really really want to like it … but I just don’t. I enjoy pretty much everything else … barre, yoga, lifting weights, cycling, etc. But running, ugh, I just dread when I try to get out and run!