Hi friends! Today I’m talking about the most relaxing form of exercise I do: yoga.
On average I do yoga once or twice a week, but lately I’ve been wanting to devote more time to my practice. Yoga is all about embracing where you’re at, but at the same time, I’d like to do so while also focusing on how I can improve my practice. In the spirit of stepping my yoga game up, today I’m sharing 10 of my favorite yoga poses. Let’s get to it!
1.) Dancer’s Pose – Apparently this one is a favorite of mine when I do yoga on the beach! I’d like to improve my range of flexibility in this pose.
2.) Side plank – I enjoy doing not only regular side planks, but also side plank variations that challenge my balance and strength level. My arm tends to go wide instead of forming a straight line up my body, so that’s one thing I plan on working on more with this pose.
3.) Warrior III – Warrior poses tend to be a staple in my yoga practice. I’m going to work to further my range in Warrior III and make my body form one straight line.
4.) Cat/Cow Balance – I’m constantly doing cat/cow balance poses and flowing through alternating repetitions of them when I’m watching TV or doing stretching sessions. It’s always a nice stretch!
5.) Tree Pose – I like tree pose because I can do it on any crazy rock formation or mountain as demonstrated below when I was vacationing in Lake Tahoe…. 🙂 I’m only partially kidding – I also like tree pose because it’s a great starter balance pose, and I also like to do it at the end of my practice to give myself one final moment to center myself both physically and mentally.
6.) Twisting lunge – This one always feels great, especially if I’m dealing with muscle soreness. Lunges and lunge poses are a favorite of mine in general!
7.) Three Legged Dog – Whew, this pose is an awesome hip opener! Three legged dog is fun to just hang out in or to do as a bit of a resting pose in between challenging poses.
8.) Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose – The cheerleader in me loves this one. I hope to further my range of flexibility in this pose moving forward in my practice.
9.) Wheel Pose – Okay, so this pose doesn’t always feel comfortable and nice while you’re in it, but it makes my back feel amazing and flexible. Because of that, I want to work on wheel pose variations more often.
10.) Upward Dog – This one is just a nice, relaxing stretch for yogis of all levels to easily do. Check out my dog behind me doing her own up dog pose!
Tell me… What yoga poses are you loving lately?
I love tree pose (classic haha), twisting lunge (i REALLY feel that stretch), and side planks (I love balancing like that!)
You look so amazing in all your poses!! I love them!
Right now I’m loving savasana. Haha. Seriously, I love yoga and can’t wait to get back to my regular practice. Prenatal practice is very different although still just as good!
Aww thank you Britt!! Ha, but you’re so cute with all of your pregnant lady yoga variations!
Somehow twisting lunge has gotten more and more difficult for me to do. My spine just doesnt twist that much! Lately I’m tryiiiiing to love half pigeon pose, but am actually loving bridge pose. It’s hard, but I only have to hold it for a few seconds, which makes it much more manageable.
Ooooh good one, I love pigeon pose! It always feels amazing.
I pretty much suck at yoga – I like downward dog, the warrior poses and tree – things like wheel completely freak me out and then doing the wheel with your leg up?! Awesome!
Haha… sometimes I freak out a bit when attempting inversions. I’m like ahh my head is being smushed and I may be about to hurt myself!
I have the hardest time with any of those hip opener stretches – my shoulders want to rotate along with my hips. I’ll get there someday – that’s why it’s called “practice!” I LOVE lunge poses – those hurt so good!
On another note, are there any yoga mats you’d recommend? I have one but it’s on the flimsy side and I’m not at all pleased with the grip it gives when my hands and feet get even a smidge damp. I feel like I’m sliding all over the place.
Exactly! Do you practice pigeon pose to open up your hips? So good.
I wish I had a good answer for you, but I’ve never had a yoga mat that I’ve been in love with. And I know what you mean about lack of grip being annoying!
I love pigeon pose, but I feel like it’s too easy and I think there’s something wrong in my alignment with most of the poses I practice. I also do happy baby, frog, the runners’ lunge, crescent, half moon, low lunge, etc etc etc. I do wonder if I shouldn’t just take some classes religiously for six months or so to get a better feel for it since I’m such a novice. If I ever find an awesome yoga mat, I’ll let you know!
Child’s pose – that’s my favorite! 😉
Great post & beautiful photos. I honestly can’t remember the last time I did yoga. I think once my pregnancy is over, I’ll have to really get back into it. I used to do it 2x a week, but randmly just stopped.
I love dancers pose! (im not good at it, but i love it!) also thats a super cute outfit with the gray vest on the mountain!!
Thanks!! I was all bundled up and it wound up being warm in Lake Tahoe that day haha
Good for you! I was literally just about to do some yoga/ stretching… it’s such a lovely way to unwind!
ALWAYS! You can never go wrong with a yoga/stretching session to make you feel rejuvenated and relaxed.
Love these photos! I love a good yoga sesh but unfortunately I haven’t had one in a while. These are inspiring me to get back to it!
Love your poses and you look fantastic in all of them! I miss you!!!!!!
Miss you too! Thank you mama 🙂
Nice Post