Happy August everyone!
I wrapped up my July with an evening at the beach, followed by the drinking of a bottle of Crane Family Vineyard’s 2011 cabernet sauvignon. I’ve heard a lot about how the vintage was a really rough one for Napa Valley winemakers because of some harsh weather, but Crane Family Vineyards did not disappoint. Ever since I visited the winery last year, I love their wine and buy it for special occasions — this one being my hubby turning 28.
It was a great way to end July, and I’m excited for the month of August! Here are some things I’m looking forward to this month:
- My birthday – I’ll be celebrating 27 years on this beautiful planet next week on the 6th!
Fact: August is a big birthday month for my family, with my cousin born on the same day 10 years later, as well as another cousin, my uncle, and my sister-in-law all born within 10 days of me. YAY for August babies!!
- A big household change – Today marked the last day of my hubby’s corporate job, and he’s officially a business owner! He’ll be running a mobile oil change service. It has been months in the making, and I’m excited and anxious to see how the start of the business goes. We both have entrepreneurial dreams and aspirations, and when he talked about this business idea, I told him to go for it! If it’s successful, that’d be amazing. If not, I’m confident that it’ll be a big learning experience. What’s life without risk right?!
- Blogfest & IDEA World – I mentioned this not too long ago, but I’ll be attending my first fitness conference in less than 2 weeks! I’ll get to do tons of networking, workouts, health coaching and blogging sessions, and I’m definitely getting excited for it all.
- Family visiting – My mother-in-law will be flying out from the east coast to spend a bunch of days at my house this month, and I’m looking forward to seeing her. I enjoy having guests to enjoy my area with, and it’s even more fun now that we own a house to show everyone!
- Pampering – This ties into my birthday, because usually on that day I treat myself to some “me” time where I go shopping, get a massage, walk around town eating gelato, or whatever my heart desires. This year, I decided to do an afternoon of pampering at a rejuvenation facility, where I’ll be getting a facial, massage, pedicure, as well as some other treatments that I’ve never done before. It should be interesting, and I’m hoping that it’s super relaxing! I also bought a deal to try accupressure for the first time, which I have an appointment for on one of the last days of the month. I work my body through lots of exercise stress and running around, and I love to get pampered as a treat!
- Football – If you read my blog at all last fall/winter, you know that I love football! Technically the NFL season doesn’t officially start until the beginning of September, but the pre-season hoopla begins in just a few days. I love the NY Giants, and have a satellite package where I get to see every single game. Hopefully their season will be better than the last one! Plus, for the third season, I’ll be playing in my co-worker’s NFL Fantasy league, which pretty much consists of him, his friends, and me. It’s pretty funny, and I enjoy it!
Harley likes to get in the football spirit by wearing Giants bandanas and playing with her football toy….I kid. She looks totally miserable in this picture and tries to eat the bandana off every time I put it on her!
Well, I’m off to kick my weekend off by hitting the trails at my current favorite hiking area with that bandana hating dingo of mine!
What are you looking forward to this month? Who else is an August baby?
Happy birthday month so everyone! My middle child and oldest son’s birthday is August 14, my sister August 13, and my youngest, August 12th. I missed her birthday both times! Lack of planning. My grandson turned 3 yesterday (8/1). So August is big here too.
Congrats on your husbands new venture! I wish you both the best of luck.
Can’t wait to hear about Blogfest. That sounds fun.
That’s too funny! It definitely sounds like August is a month of celebration in your family as well!
It sounds like you’re gearing up for an awesome August indeed! Happy almost birthday!
I’m hoping so! Thank you, Julie!!
Happy BIRTHDAY on the 6th! And I will be at the EXPO at Idea Fit on Thursday… And maybe again over the weekend if it truly is THAT EPIC… Hopefully we bump into each other! 🙂
Thank you! Oooh awesome, I’ll be keeping an eye out for ya! 🙂
What’s life without the risk? <–couldn't agree more! Success or not, if you don't leap, you'll never know! And yayyyy for August babies! Your bday is SO soon!
Exactly! I’d rather fail and learn from it than just play it safe all the time.
Oh such fun stuff is going on in August!! Glad to hear that you are having a blast! Also, that is so crazy that you cousin was born on your same day 10 years later! What are the odds?!! My brother is exactly 2.5 years older than me… so his half birthday is my birthday and visa versa… but this is even cooler! …Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So exciting!
Thank you, Cailee!
Happy almost birthday!! Your day of pampering sounds UH-mazing — enjoy!
Thank you my peer coach! 😉