There are millions of devoted coffee drinkers in the world....but I, my friends, am not one of them. Instead of the caffeine from coffee giving me energy, it gives me headaches. It actually has a bit of an opposite effect on me. Case in point: Last week I had my first (iced) coffee in quite awhile because I was near a Dunkin Donuts in New Jersey, which are a rarity here in California, and I felt so tired an hour later that I took a nap. And I'm not a big nap taker. Tea on the other hand, is my coffee shop/hot bev/lazy weekend morning drink of choice. Green tea is my favorite. It doesn't make me feel zingy, and it also doesn't make me sleepy or headachy. It's just nice and soothing. So when Kiss Me Organics recently contacted me asking if I'd like to try their matcha green tea powder, I ... [Read More]