It’s Sunday night already, and I’m wondering — where did the weekend go?!
A couple days ago while running errands, I stopped at the Lululemon outlet store for the first time. Though it has less of a selection than the regular store, it was awesome because it was still their cute clothes, only cheaper (well duh, I suppose that’s the usual MO of an outlet store!).
I had seen a really cute hoodie at the regular Lululemon during my birthday shopping trip, but the price tag was a little too steep for me. I was more in need of yoga pants and sports bras than a zip up, so I skipped it. At the outlets, I found a cute hoodie and got it 70% off its original price. Score!
When I got home, I noticed the shopping bag that my purchase came in. It’s covered with life mantras and quotes, most of which I love, so I thought I’d share some of them with you:
- Do one thing a day that scares you.
- Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.
- Stress is related to 99 percent of all illness.
- Jealousy works the opposite way you want it to.
- Breathe deeply and appreciate the moment. Living in the moment could be the meaning of life.
- Friends are more important than money.
- Dance, sing, floss and travel.
- A daily hit of athletic-induced endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself, and offset stress.
- That which matters the most should never give way to that which matters the least.
- Creativity is maximized when you’re living in the moment.
I love these 10 reminders. Thanks for the wisdom, Lululemon!
Which one is your favorite? Or what other mantra/quote have you been reminding yourself of lately?
I love lululemon but I’ve never actually taken the time to read the bag. What awesome mantras and quotes! Great company but also wish the price tag wasn’t so steep. Also wish I lived closer to an outlet (and not blocks from a regular store which tempts me daily!)
I know, they are pricey!! But I do think their clothes are good quality, so it’s worth a splurge here or there for something you’ll constantly use (like workout capris, which I wear pretty much every day!).
Wow #9 gave me chills. It’s so true. Take working hard. It’s so important to work hard and to do your best, but when you work so much that you barely have time for family and friends, or you are so stressed that it makes you sick, I think that’s letting what matters the most go for what matters the least. It’s hard to remember that sometimes.
I really love quotes, haha. Sorry for getting all deep on you. Thanks for sharing!
I’m a quote junkie too!!
It’s so true, I think that one may be favorite as well. It’s easy to let important things fall to the wayside when something more demanding like work takes up a lot of time and energy. It’s a good reminder!
70% off?! I almost fainted. I love Lululemon, but their closest outlet is about an hour away. I just have to suck it up and buy things regular priced. 🙁
Ha. Thanks Tara, I love it when I get a good deal!
I’ve never seen a Lululemon outlet before. That’s awesome that you found a hoodie at such a great price! Major score.
#3 is so true. I try to remind myself of that all of the time. It doesn’t matter how well you eat or much you exercise; stress will trump them all!
Me neither, hence why I had to stop in and see what they had in the store.
Very true. Unfortunately, as a whole, us Americans are such a stressed group of people!
I love Lululemon’s quotes! I have their water bottle with the quotes all around the sides of it and it’s super motivating! I think my fav is “Dance, Sing, Floss and Travel.” The outlet store is pretty awesome. I have one not too far from me.
Nice! I love motivational quotes everywhere possible in my life – on my shopping bags, on my water bottles, anywhere really!
I’m looking for workout pants that have motivational quotes on the side of the leg.
I am not a shoppie but Lululemon has my attention
They’re a great brand!
Another great Lulu Lemon quote is: “Your outlook on life is a direct reflection of how much you like yourself.” I love Lulu Lemon clothes for figure skating. They are so comfortable and flattering at the same time.
Such a true statement!