I came across an article on Buzzfeed today titled 18 People Who Shouldn’t be Allowed to Use the Gym. I always find fitness related humor to be funny, and it seriously had me cracking up. If you enjoy seeing people do ridiculous things like wear heels to the gym (I can barely walk in heels, let alone exercise in them!) or eat an ice cream cone while on the bike (seriously?!), you need to check it out.
Speaking of the gym, I checked out one last weekend nearby but have yet to become a member of one in my new area, so at-home/outside workouts are my thing at the moment.
When it came to exercising today, I felt like I haven’t gotten a really heart pounding workout in lately, so I came up with a quick routine that I was confident would leave me very sweaty… and it did! I utilized the stairs that I now have in my house, but if you don’t have stairs available, just run in place or do some other form of high intensity cardio.
I followed the workout with a few minutes of stretching at the end, and it was a quick half hour routine. This is definitely a workout I’m keeping in mind when I’m short on time but want to get nice and sweaty!
Question: What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve noticed people doing/wearing at a gym?
I”ve seen people wearing bathing suit shorts and flip flops at the gym on the treadmill (in San Diego, obviously!), which I found dangerous yet entertaining. There was also this girl at a gym I used to go to who would always wear sunglasses on the elliptical, even at nighttime – which doesn’t really matter since we were inside. Ha!
2 things…when a girl wears her hair down and totally styled to work out. If your hair is down, you aren’t working hard enough! Also, men who grunt loudly when lifting weights. I mean so loud everyone in the cardio area is looking and laughing. WHY?? 🙂
Looks like a good workout!
Agreed on both of those! Men grunting loudly always annoys me, and I have NO IDEA how women can exercise with their hair down. That would bother me so much!! And yes, it was a good workout – my calves are SO SORE today from it! 😉
There was this guy at a gym I used to go to that would always take his shirt off mid workout. Like really?!
Haaaa, I’ve seen that too! I used to go to a gym that was mostly men, and they seemed to think that wearing shirts was optional workout attire. Some of them smelled stinky on top of it, which made it even worse!
Looks tough, I’m going to try this workout tomorrow.
Great! Let me know what you think. Any time I do a workout I haven’t done recently or ever, I get so sore – I’m still feeling achy from this workout today!