Last weekend was rainy, chilly, and low key - the perfect scenario to try making a new soup. My hubby recently gave me the Williams-Sonoma Soup cookbook, and I was itching to make a recipe from it. This is what I wound up making: The pesto adds a flavorful punch to this vitamin-packed soup. As usual, I altered the ingredient list a bit based on personal preference - i.e. I'm allergic to eggplant so I obviously nixed that; I used vegetable broth instead of chicken; I didn't have the leeks on hand that it called for. I started off with a ton of veggies.... ...which I chopped up, tossed in a baking dish and roasted until tender: From there, some pureeing, pulsing, and mixing was involved, but all in all, this soup was somewhat simple to make! I paired the soup with whole wheat pita ... [Read More]