*Fun news: I made a little cameo today talking about my experience volunteering at the Humane Society on one of the blogs I read often called PB Fingers! You can read it here.* Well my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... That is, if you consider this being packed and ready to go: As usual, I've grossly underestimated how much time and effort goes into me packing for a substantial amount of time! I'm not sure if this is totally nutty, but when I pack I feel the need to try everything on, lay it all out, then match everything with shoes, jewelry, and underwear (is this normal?!). I got this far and decided to take a break and take Harley to the dog park, mostly out of guilt that I'll be kenneling her tomorrow. Now I'm back home, procrastinating packing even more and blogging instead. ... [Read More]