Avocados are a good source of a slew of nutrients, including vitamin C, K, B6, folate, fiber and potassium. Though they contain some fat, that's no reason to shy away from them - especially since it's the heart-healthy unsaturated kind! The state I live in happens to be the biggest U.S. producer of the fruit, hence why I'm able to buy them locally to enjoy all the time. My grandma just asked me how I usually eat avocado. She's been eating them plain because she isn't sure what else to do with them. My response was, 'Don't worry, I'll blog about it!' ;-) So here goes, here are my favorite ways to incorporate avocado into my diet: #1 - In Salads: I love eating a caprese salad with avocado , as pictured above. If I'm making a Mexican salad, I like to use avocado as part of my dressing ... [Read More]