I'm back to my usual routine today... well, sort of. I fell asleep late and woke up bright eyed at 4 AM this morning. WHY HELLO JET LAG! I've been exhausted all day, but am hoping to be back to normal by tomorrow. Before I get back to my typical blogging, I want to do one more post about the adventures I had with Adam in Thailand. Some of these pictures are too fun not to share with you! Sea Cave Canoeing in Phang Nga Bay is one of the coolest experiences I've had to date. We got to navigate our way into these beautiful caves, a few of which we barely fit under. It was an unforgettable part of the trip: We also visited what's known as James Bond Island, where part of the 1974 movie "The Man with the Golden Gun" was filmed: And then we got to see a ... [Read More]