Whew, what a busy day! It always seems like I have a lot to get done at the beginning of the week. I was pretty productive but feel like I can never get everything checked off my to-do list. Such is life I suppose. We do all we can, right? So ever since cooking with tofu the other day, I've had making an tofu "omelette" in the back of my head. I've always been intrigued by omelets - not because I actually want to eat eggs (if that were the case, I just would eat em), but because it seems fun to throw a bunch of things into it to whip up a healthy breakfast. Let's face it, tofu doesn't take like anything really. It basically just takes on whatever flavors you pair with it. Instead of trying it out for breakfast, I decided to make my first egg-like tofu dish for lunch by throwing in a ... [Read More]