Whenever I'm working out on my own, either at a gym or at home, one important factor is the music I'm listening to. I definitely exercise harder when I'm listening to good music, and if I'm kind of slacking, a good beat will get me moving faster. I have 2 categories of music I jam out to during sweat sessions: either what I think of as "fight" music, which includes any songs with almost angry lyrics that get me feeling pumped up - think Eminem and Jay-Z's "Renegade" or one of my favorites, Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" - or feel-good music that just makes me want to dance and move a lot. I can listen to the same few playlists for months if they have songs on them that I'm a big fan of, but then there comes a time when I need to switch it up and download some ... [Read More]
workout songs
Switching Up My Playlist
Like many avid exercisers, I rely on music to help keep my workouts strong, and sometimes, to give me motivation when I find it lacking. Sometimes I feel like I'm dragging through a workout, and then that one jam will come on and I'll get that extra oomph I need. Every couple of months I rearrange my playlist and download some new tunes to keep it from getting musically monotonous. After a bit of revamping tonight, here are the songs at the top of my list: As you may be able to tell, I like some variety in my music! And here are my favorite songs right now for cool down time: Good music is all I need sometimes to turn the switch on... ;-) ... [Read More]