When I first became a vegetarian, I was 10 years old. I was raised in a family of meat eaters (my sister has since become a vegetarian and my mom is mostly one), but I knew from early on that eating animals wasn't for me. I can remember so clearly sitting at my parents' kitchen table for dinner, poking at a pork chop looking at the veiny colors, picturing the pig running around at a farm, and not feeling right about eating him. I was probably 7 at the time. Once I went meat-free, I never went back. But I do remember feeling almost embarrassed if I was at a friends' house or a BBQ and had to tell people that I wouldn't be eating a hamburger. I think I mostly didn't want to draw attention to the fact that I was different, or be a pain in the ass to have over for dinner for that ... [Read More]
Healthy Foods I Eat (Almost) Daily
Being the food lover that I am, I get excited to try new recipes that sound delicious to me, experiment in the kitchen or dine out at a new eatery. While this blog perhaps should have been named something to do with being a picky foodie due to my propensity to eat mostly high-quality, healthy foods and never eat anything that once had a mother, I am most definitely a girl who loves to eat good food. Just saying! ;-) Although I like to get creative with my meals and try new foods and dishes, I definitely also have some favorite foods and go-to meals that I eat nearly every day. These are foods that I keep in my house all the time and feel like my kitchen is incomplete without. I thought I'd share the list with you guys, so here we go! An apple a day keeps the doctor ... [Read More]
My Bio Individuality: Why I Eat the Way I Do
Since I began school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've thought a lot about bio individuality -- the idea that no one diet is ideal for everyone. I just wrote an article for Girls Gone Sporty that talks more about it - check it out here! - and realized that although it's pretty evident that I'm a vegetarian by reading my blog, I've never really discussed why I eat the way that I do. This is a post I've hesitated to write, but today I'm talking about it! Ever since I can remember, I've loved animals and felt compassion for them. When I see bacon festivals publicizing their events with pictures of cute, happy looking pigs, I cringe. Pigs are intelligent animals, smarter than dogs research has shown, yet we keep dogs as pets and kill pigs so that we can top everything from ... [Read More]
My New Favorite Salad Combo
Hello, hello! I realized that I haven't posted my day's eats in awhile, so to answer the question, ''What the hell does this vegetarian eat all day?" here goes my rundown from yesterday's meals & snacks: Wednesday is a bit of a different day for me food-wise than any other day. I volunteer at The Humane Society in the evenings, so I eat a quick early dinner and eat 1 snack instead of 2 for the day. Because of this, I usually make my breakfast or lunch heavier than usual. For breakfast, I ate some oatmeal with sliced banana, a pack of Justin's honey peanut butter, and sprinkled cinnamon: For lunch, I ate my new favorite salad. I've eaten it 3 times in the past week and am really diggin' it. It's a chickpea feta salad with sliced almonds: To make the ... [Read More]