When I travel, I always try to stay active and incorporate movement into my day just like when I'm home. I prefer to exercise outdoors or do something adventurous in the area I'm in. But sometimes, the thing that works out best is just waking up in my hotel room, busting out a quick workout to get my endorphins flowing, and moving on with my day's agenda. This is most definitely the case when I travel for work. Although I've walked a ton on the convention center floor in Las Vegas this week, I've also been fitting in morning exercise a couple of days this week. One morning I even made it to the gym for a strength training session, then taught my co-worker some yoga on the rooftop of our hotel. Another morning I did today's workout: a quickie, 10-exercise circuit that requires no ... [Read More]
quick workouts
20 Minute Cardio Blast Workout
Hi friends, and greetings from Las Vegas! I traveled to Vegas over the weekend for a work trip and will be here for most of the week. Before the "work" of my work trip really started, yesterday my co-workers and I had some fun outside of the Vegas strip, but more on that later, because today I've got a quickie workout to share! Even when traveling I still like to get some exercise in. If I'm on vacation, I usually find a place for that exercise outdoors in the form of hiking or biking, or just even just walking a ton being a tourist, but with work trips like this, I find myself mostly indoors in a convention center. I do walk an awful lot within the convention center - my poor feet always die wearing heels and other uncomfortable fancy shoes, and I think I was made to be ... [Read More]
Quickie Cardio Leg Blast
Hi friends! After a couple of days of feeling icky and taking it a bit easy, I'm feeling more like myself today. Having more of my normal energy levels, my Thursday was a nicely active day, with half hour walks with my dog first thing this morning and also tonight, and squeezing in a quick hour of volunteering at the Humane Society walking dogs before heading to the gym for a sweaty workout this evening. On my way to volunteer, I slugged down a bottle of Well Well Wow! - a liquid blend of chlorella growth factor and eleuthero that's meant to energize you without the jittery side effects of caffeine. As I've talked about before, I'm a fan of consuming algae. Chlorella is a superfood algae that is thought to detoxify the body. So when the makers of Well Well Wow!, Sun Chlorella, asked ... [Read More]
The Trio Timed Challenge & Other At-Home Workout Ideas
Happy Super Bowl Sunday from the chilly, snowy East coast! I flew into Jersey yesterday to see my family. We recently got word that my grandma, who I've always been very close with, has cancer and needs to undergo a serious surgery. I wanted to come out here to visit her in the hospital and spend time with my loved ones, so I booked a last minute ticket. 2,500 miles is just a hop, skip, and a jump away when someone I love is sick! Most of my time this week is going to be spent at the hospital, hanging with my family, and getting work done, but I still want to live really healthily this week, especially to keep on track with my DietBet. Besides planning ahead with my eats as much as I can and making sure I always have nutritious snacks on hand, I'd like to fit in some exercise ... [Read More]
Wake Up (Your Body) Call
"To have a friend and be a friend is what makes life worthwhile." Fun fact: Today is National Girlfriends' Day. Shout out to my amazing girlfriends, love you ladies! I often like to start off my days with some movement. Sometimes it's just a few yoga poses (I talked about my favorite ones here), other times I take Harley for a nice long walk. And then there are days when I like to get sweaty first thing in the morning. Today was one of those days, so I did the following easy breezy workout. The idea is to do a very quick cardio routine, with your heart rate up the whole time. With some quick stretching immediately following, it'll take around 15 minutes and is a nice way to get moving before heading to work, class, or wherever your day takes you. Whenever I hear someone say they "don't ... [Read More]