Happy February! How's everyone doing with their New Year's resolutions & goals for 2017? According to Forbes, only 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions. JUST EIGHT! Not surprisingly, I've also read that the #1 New Year's resolution for 2017 is to lose weight & eat healthier. Personally, I'm less of a New Year's resolution person, and more of a make-goals-at-any-time-and-crush-them kinda girl. Why? Because while I like the idea of a fresh start with a new year, I believe in the power of hard work & consistency to make changes in any month. I also believe that if you've already given up on your resolutions, you always have the power to start again with a renewed sense of motivation - no matter the time of the year. When it comes to weight loss, eating ... [Read More]
Institute for Integrative Nutrition
What Health Coaching is Not + Let’s Talk About Brain Health
Hi there, and Happy Friday! I hope that you all have some awesome plans for the weekend. I have some fun fitness related plans that I'm looking forward to (more on that later)! So guess what? I only have a few more lessons and an exam left at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and then I'll be a certified health and wellness coach! I can't believe how fast this whole year of school has gone. Last weekend IIN had live sessions in NYC, and while I couldn't be there in person (hopefully one day I can make it to a weekend of live lectures!), I was able to live stream some of the weekend's lectures. All I have to say is that this school is full of amazing, inspirational students and teachers. I have just been soaking it all in, and I've truly enjoyed my experience at IIN. In ... [Read More]
An Exciting Health Coaching Announcement!
Hi friends! Today's post topic is fun stuff you guys, so let's get to it! As some of you already know, I became a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a certified health coach last January. I had gotten to this point where I had become fully aware of just how passionate I am about healthy living, and I wanted to somehow spend more of my energy in the wellness field. When I heard about IIN, it immediately clicked for me. My intuition told me that the school would be a perfect fit, and without giving it much time or too much thought, I enrolled. Over the course of the year, I've been enthralled in the world of heath coaching. The reality of it is that I've been unofficially counseling my friends and family for years on how they can be healthier and ... [Read More]
IIN Chat: Health & Wellness Quotes I Love
Last weekend I aced my third test for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which means that I am 75% done with my health coaching certification! Time really does fly when you're studying and doing work that you're passionate about and are infinitely interested in. Being the quote lover that I am, when I was studying for my last test, I noticed some favorite concepts and quotes that I had jotted down throughout my recent lessons. Since I think that you all may enjoy them too, today I thought I'd share them. Let's get to it! ... [Read More]
My Bio Individuality: Why I Eat the Way I Do
Since I began school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've thought a lot about bio individuality -- the idea that no one diet is ideal for everyone. I just wrote an article for Girls Gone Sporty that talks more about it - check it out here! - and realized that although it's pretty evident that I'm a vegetarian by reading my blog, I've never really discussed why I eat the way that I do. This is a post I've hesitated to write, but today I'm talking about it! Ever since I can remember, I've loved animals and felt compassion for them. When I see bacon festivals publicizing their events with pictures of cute, happy looking pigs, I cringe. Pigs are intelligent animals, smarter than dogs research has shown, yet we keep dogs as pets and kill pigs so that we can top everything from ... [Read More]
IIN Chat: Deconstructing Food Cravings
Hi friends! Want to hear something wild? I'm already halfway through my health coaching certification course at IIN! Time flies when you're learning about topics that you're super interested in and really passionate about, huh?! If you aren't familiar with IIN, here are previous posts I've done about the school and its teachings: IIN Chat: What's a Health Coach? IIN American Health Facts IIN: Month 1 Recap Taking the Plunge: Why I Went Back to School Pretty soon I'll be looking for clients to work with as a health coach, and I am really looking forward to it! An aspect of being an IIN student that I've really enjoyed is connecting with likeminded people who share my passion for healthy living. I met some great people when I was living in Northern Cali, and now that I'm ... [Read More]