"No one is you, and that is your power." Recently I had the pleasure of being featured in my city's main newspaper, The San Diego Union-Tribune, in their health section. Between my current and past jobs of being a publicist, freelancer writer, newspaper journalist, and health coach, I'm usually the one asking the questions, so it was kind of funny to be the one interviewed for a change. I brought my dog Harley along for the photo shoot at one of our favorite nearby parks, and it was neat to see the article in the newspaper. You can check out the full online version of the article here. The story touches on my workout regime, diet, and healthy living motivations, and in reading it, I started thinking more deeply about how & why I became a health nut. When the reporter asked ... [Read More]
Epigenetics: How Your Diet Can Change Your Genetics {IDEA World ’17 Recap #2}
“Genetics may load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger.” - Dr. Pam Peeke As a nutrition nut, health coach, and food lover, I have always been fascinated with research on anything health & wellness related. When I attended Blogfest at the wellness & fitness conference IDEA World a few weeks ago in Vegas, after the Blogfest festivities concluded, I had some time to attend a few IDEA World seminars before flying home. There were so many interesting discussions to choose from, but I absolutely loved the ones I decided to participate in. I want to share my take-aways from one of those presentations with you today. The topic at hand? The science behind epigenetics - how you can change your DNA behaviors. The IDEA World talk was led by Pam Peeke - a physician, ... [Read More]
How I Get My Healthy Living Act Together
Hi there! Hope that you had a great weekend! After recovering from travel and fighting a cold last week, I'm feeling better rested and more settled. I feel like my blog posting has been a bit more sporadic than usual the last couple of weeks, but this week I should be back to normal scheduling! As I resume to a better sense of normalcy this week, a top priority of mine is getting back to cleaner living. While I always maintain a healthy lifestyle, lately my healthy living balance has been tipping more into the 'indulgences' side of things a little more than I typically strive for. This happens every now and then and it's certainly not the end of the world. After all, healthy living is a journey, not a destination right? With that being said, today I'm sharing the ways that I get ... [Read More]
Split Personality Eating: Is it Beneficial or Harmful to Our Health?
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Are you a person who does a juice cleanse one day, then goes out for 4-course indulgent meal that weekend? Then you, my friend, are not alone. Recently I read an interesting article in Shape magazine about the recent trend of 'split personality' eating patterns, such as egg whites & spinach for breakfast, followed by fettuccine alfredo for dinner, and I thought it would be interesting to chat about it today. After I read it, I kept noticing the examples of extreme eating all around me. Businesses geared towards healthy living, like juice bars and healthy meal delivery companies, are on the rise at the very same time that donut shops and gourmet cupcake spots have become all the rage. ... [Read More]
5 Tips to Avoid Overeating + MealEnders Giveaway!
Portion control is so important when it comes to eating healthily. You can be consuming all nutritious, delicious food, but if you're eating too much of it, it's going to throw your body off. Besides having an achy stomach, feeling lethargic, and not being able to trim down (if that's your goal), it can even make your brain feel foggy if you overdo it with your portions. I think it's safe to say that we've all been there in having that uncomfortable feeling in your gut when you've eaten too much. I love to enjoy great food, but I also hate that stuffed feeling that makes me feel uncomfortably full. Like with most things, I think it's all about balance and moderation. Because of all of this, I make sure to pay close attention to not only what I'm eating, but how much I'm putting ... [Read More]
My Bio Individuality: Why I Eat the Way I Do
Since I began school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've thought a lot about bio individuality -- the idea that no one diet is ideal for everyone. I just wrote an article for Girls Gone Sporty that talks more about it - check it out here! - and realized that although it's pretty evident that I'm a vegetarian by reading my blog, I've never really discussed why I eat the way that I do. This is a post I've hesitated to write, but today I'm talking about it! Ever since I can remember, I've loved animals and felt compassion for them. When I see bacon festivals publicizing their events with pictures of cute, happy looking pigs, I cringe. Pigs are intelligent animals, smarter than dogs research has shown, yet we keep dogs as pets and kill pigs so that we can top everything from ... [Read More]